We all know the frustration of looking for job, especially in today's market. In order to find a job in your career field, it often takes hours of rigorous searching day after day just to find out that you weren't chosen as a qualified candidate. Most experts say that in order to find a job you should consider finding a job your new full time job. But why should it be like that, why not take this situation and enjoy your family, enjoy things you've always wanted to do but couldn't because you were at the office? That's what we're here for. We'll search for a job for you while you take that much needed R&R. All we ask is that you don't consider this the answer, feel free to search for job as well, think of it this way; two people searching are better than one!

Economic Statistics:

  • Official unemployment rate (October 2009): 10.2% or 15,700,000 Americans
  • Unemployed looking for work: Only 1 in 6 actually look for work
  • Time spent looking for work: On average, a mere 30 minutes a day
  • Time that should be spent looking for work: 8 hours a day - LET JSJOBSEARCHING DO THIS FOR YOU, CONTACT US TODAY!